Sunday, May 2, 2010

On to Nepal

I just interviewed and photographed my final contact here in New Delhi.  There are so many wonderful survivor stories to tell, but so far the one common thread here is that everyone has accepted having cancer as their fate or karem (this is the original spelling for karma).  This is what God, or whatever higher power you believe in has chosen for you, this was a given across the board.  For the most part they also feel that cancer has changed them in a positive way.  It has made them a better person, a more compassionate person, a more patient person, a wiser person.  It has enriched the quality of their lives.  They have a greater appreciation for the world around them and their place in it.  I will be forever grateful to these amazing women for the gifts they have given to me, their time, their wisdom, their strength and their courage will enrich my life every day!  They are all so very beautiful!  Tomorrow I head to Nepal to hear more stories and meet more incredible people.  I am truly blessed!



  1. Carolyn, these are incredible stories and your photography as always is just beautiful. Enjoy!

  2. What beautiful portraits.
    Nice work C!!!!!
